The Gothic novel has established a tradition of
horror fiction in which sexuality, violence, death,
and immorality are interwoven. They work
with supernatural power and spectral settings that
transmits a deathly atmosphere. Characters are
always situated in the mood of darkness which causes
the feelings of sublime. The themes, settings, and
style help the Gothic novel to form its own Gothic
conventions. Its influence still permeates until
now. The Gothic novel is distinct in its mood,
style, and settings. It has established a tradition
of horror fiction in which themes like sexuality,
violence, death, and immorality are interwoven.
These themes work with supernatural power and
spectral settings that transmits a deathly
atmosphere. Henceforth, characters are always
situated in the mood of darkness which causes the
feelings of sublime. These themes, settings, and
style help the Gothic novel to form its own Gothic
conventions which still influence the production of
horror fiction. The book offers a brief review of
The Monk through aesthetic approach,the sublime, to
investigate the themes as gender and sexuality.
horror fiction in which sexuality, violence, death,
and immorality are interwoven. They work
with supernatural power and spectral settings that
transmits a deathly atmosphere. Characters are
always situated in the mood of darkness which causes
the feelings of sublime. The themes, settings, and
style help the Gothic novel to form its own Gothic
conventions. Its influence still permeates until
now. The Gothic novel is distinct in its mood,
style, and settings. It has established a tradition
of horror fiction in which themes like sexuality,
violence, death, and immorality are interwoven.
These themes work with supernatural power and
spectral settings that transmits a deathly
atmosphere. Henceforth, characters are always
situated in the mood of darkness which causes the
feelings of sublime. These themes, settings, and
style help the Gothic novel to form its own Gothic
conventions which still influence the production of
horror fiction. The book offers a brief review of
The Monk through aesthetic approach,the sublime, to
investigate the themes as gender and sexuality.