Gebundenes Buch
Types of Compositions in the Talmud of Babylonia (South Florida Studies in the History of Judaism)
1. Januar 1992
University of South Florida

Gebundenes Buch
An Academic Commentary: XXVII, Bavli Tractate Shebuot
1. Januar 1994
University of South Florida

Gebundenes Buch
New Series, Religious and Theological Studies
1. Januar 1993
University of South Florida

Gebundenes Buch
An American Translation XIV: Tractate Ketubot, Vol. C
1. Januar 1992
University of South Florida

Gebundenes Buch
An American Translation XXII: Tractate Baba Batra, Vol. B
1. Januar 1992
University of South Florida

Gebundenes Buch
An American Translation XXVIII: Tractate Zebahim, Vol. C
1. Januar 1991
University of South Florida

Gebundenes Buch
Part II: Torah
1. Januar 1992
University of South Florida

Gebundenes Buch
An American Translation XIV: Tractate Ketubot, Vol. B
1. Januar 1992
University of South Florida

Gebundenes Buch
An American Translation XXVI: Tractate Horayot
8. November 2000
University of South Florida

Gebundenes Buch
A Systematic Comparison of the Talmud of Babylonia and the Talmud of the Land of Israel
1. Januar 1993
University of South Florida

Gebundenes Buch
Scripture, Mishnah, Tosefta, and Midrash in the Talmud of Babylonia
1. Januar 1990
University of South Florida

Gebundenes Buch
The Mishnah, the Divisions of Damages (from Makkot), Holy Things, and Purities
1. Januar 1994
University of South Florida

Gebundenes Buch
1. Januar 1993
University of South Florida

Gebundenes Buch
An American Translation XIII: Tractate Yebamot, Vol. B
1. Januar 1992
University of South Florida
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